Today is the day our nation sets aside to remember those who are still Missing in Action and possibly Prisoners of War. I had the distinct honor today of providing the invocation for the remembrance ceremony at the Air Force Memorial here in Washington DC this morning. I was touched by the comments of one of the key speakers who shared her story of her father who was missing in Vietnam for over 20 years before the family finally found out what happened to him and the recovery of his remains. I was also touched by conversations with family members whose loved ones still are missing.
Here is my invocation:
Almighty God, our heavenly Father we approach your throne of grace to beseech your presence with us today as we remember those who have been or currently remain Prisoners of War or Missing in Action in service to our nation.
We give thanks for the faithful service of all who have worn and currently wear the uniform of military service.
On this day, we ask your special blessing upon those instances where service members are currently Missing in Action. It is our special hope that they would return to us safe and sound, but in the least may we learn their stories and so bring closure to their loved ones. Be with the families who still deal with the day to day anxieties of unanswered questions.
We thank you for giving strength to those who call on you while in their captivity for we know there is no place where you are not present and therefore no place without hope.
We give you thanks for those who have returned home alive and been reunited with their families.
We ask your spirit of comfort and consolation to rest upon the families of those who were found to have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. May their sacrifice serve as a constant call and reminder to us to live a life of service for one another.
In each and every case, former and current POW or MIA, recovered or still lost – may our nation always remember and honor ever brave act of sacrifice and endurance that the call of liberty may always ring strong in our world.
And we are bold to ask you to watch over all our men and women currently in harms way – to grant us victory over tyranny and terror and grant us peace. In the name of the One and only God. Amen.

Until they are all home Until their stories are known and told