Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Rose is Fallen

The Reedy's and the Lester's have inhabited the Appalachian Mountains for hundreds of years.  Near the town of Richlands Virginia, where my father was raised and where my mother met my father, rises a small creek that meanders its way through Southwest Virginia into Tennessee and past the Kmart where my mother worked and retired.  It is along this creek, Reedy Creek, that my favorite place to run is found, the Kingsport Greenbelt.  It was here that I gave my mother her last rose.  I had collected one perfect blossom from her graveside as we laid her to rest at the foot of "her mountain" in Tazewell Virginia, where she was born and raised.  I committed that rose to the waters of Reedy Creek as the day before we had committed her body to rest in the ground at the foot of those enduring mountains to await the promised resurrection of our Lord.

My mother passed away on Sept 13th.  She went quietly and gently and I am thankful for that.  

There is a tradition in my family that started with my mother.  She didn't get her first full dozen roses from my father until she had a baby.  And when I was born he gave her another dozen.  In keeping with that tradition I never gave a woman a dozen roses until my own wife had our first child.  

I was home in July to visit with her.  Somehow I knew in her voice could be shorter than it appeared.  I trimmed her bushes back and in so doing found a Rose bush Dad had planted many years ago.  It had a beautiful pink blossom on it.  I cut this and took it inside for her. 

My mother was a simple woman with a simple and solid faith and lots of determination.  I have told my daughters it is not wrong to be stubborn, as long as you are stubborn about the right things.  My mother was a person who was about right things.  She spent her life caring and providing for her family.  

A rose if fallen.  Perhaps in the metaphor of a cut rose there is a truth to behold.  For the roses we give are cut from the vine and we know their beauty lasts only a brief moment.  But we hold them and appreciate them while they are here and treasure the memories when they are gone.  But back to that pink rose I gave Mom from Dad's rose bush.  The rest of the story is that he tried several times to eliminate that bush as it was a wild rose bush.  But it kept coming back.  

There is a great truth.  Death does not get the final word.  God does not permit it.  His Son defeated death and His resurrection is his sign and seal of a promise.  Eternal life.  Redeemed life.  New creation.  I look forward to it.

The words of her favorite hymn capture her hope and faith.    I remember her and Dad singing this on road trips and in church.  

There is coming a day,
When no heart aches shall come,
No more clouds in the sky,
No more tears to dim the eye,
All is peace forever more,
On that happy golden shore,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

What a day that will be,
When my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face,
The One who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand,
And leads me through the Promised Land,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

There'll be no sorrow there,
No more burdens to bear,
No more sickness, no pain,
No more parting over there;
And forever I will be,
With the One who died for me,
What a day, glorious day that will be.

What a day that will be,
When my Jesus I shall see,
And I look upon His face,
The One who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand,
And leads me through the Promised Land,
What a day, glorious day that will be

Friday, September 16, 2011

Eleven Bells Nine Petitions, A Prayer for September 11


The First Bell is a call for silence and remembrance.


Lord, with this second bell we call upon You to remember the families of those who lost their lives at the Twin Towers in New York City.  We give thanks for the heroic sacrifice of fire fighters, police and other first responders who thought more of saving the lives of others than of their own.  We ask you mercy on those who grieve this day family and friends killed ten years ago today in New York.


Lord, with this third bell we call upon You to comfort the families to those killed while on duty in the Pentagon.  They died at their post defending the security of the nation they loved.  So we call upon you to pour out your love upon those who mourne their passing this day.


Lord, with this fourth bell we give you thanks for the heroes who sacrificed their lives to save others in taking back their plane.  Later today the remains of those who died in a field near Shanksville PN will be laid to rest.  Bless this hallowed ground and comfort all who mourn.


Lord, with this fifth bell we ask your mercy for the thousands of men and women who went forth to defend freedom but who would not return see their families and friends again.  This day as we recall the price for liberty we ask your mercy be upon grieving wives and husbands, daughters and sons, mothers and fathers and all those who mourn the loss of our  fellow warriors. 


Lord, with this sixth bell we lift up all those who at this moment are in harm’s way, separated from family, enduring hardships, standing the line between evil and freedom.  Protect our fellow soldiers, airmen, sailors, marines, and all who have gone forth for our nation’s defense. 


Lord, with this seventh bell we ask your blessing upon our friends, our allies in these past ten years of war.  Be with the families of these noble warriors who have fallen in battle.  Prosper these peoples that may ever know justice and liberty.


Lord, with this eighth bell we pray for our leaders in these difficult and troubled times.  Grant them wisdom and knowledge to know the right course.  Grant courage and resolve to pursue and lead us to accomplish it.


Lord, with this ninth bell, we pray for nation the United States.  In this time of war and struggle we pray for our survival and our prosperity.  We pray that through Your divine providence we might remain a land were freedom and justice reigns supreme.


Lord, with this tenth bell, we bow and pray as you command, and we ask your blessing upon our enemies.  We pray that hardened hearts and minds might be softened by love and moved to mutual respect and understanding that the day might come when we might know peace.


With this eleventh bell we pray in silence...and remember.       (bell fades – AMEN)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


O Almighty and gracious God,

Move our spirits and minds today to profound remembrance on this tenth anniversary of 11 September 2001.  We remember the tragic and dreadful images of that day:  people jumping to avoid fire, crumbling towers, a burning   pentagon, and a smoking crater in what should have been a quiet field in Pennsylvania.  We are humbled by the reality of what is possible in this world and so we ask for your grace, your guidance and your blessing.

Bless the families of the 2,977 people killed ten years ago today.  Comfort all for whom this day is a day of deep sorrow and loss. 

We remember the selfless sacrifice of  New York Fire fighters who ascended buckling staircases  into the flames to rescue who they could.  We remember New York police officers and Port Authority Officers who lives were sacrificed.  We remember those killed on duty at the Pentagon.  And we remember the innocent victims, including 8 children,  whose aircraft were turned into instruments of death.  We beseech your blessing for their families as they too remember.

And Lord we are especially humbled by the  heroes of flight 93 who took back their plane and sacrificed their lives in a field in Pennyslvania that no one else should die. 

For no greater love has anyone than to lay down his life for his friends.

Humble us.  Instill in us such a spirit of courage and resolve as we not only look  back, but forward.  For …

We remember not just the first day but each  day of these past ten years in the long war on terror.  We pray for the families who have received into their hands a folded flag following a bugle’s hallowed call signaling a nation’s tribute  and sadness at a warrior’s death.  We pray for the wounded in body and the broken in spirit.  We bow our heads and remember the cost to defend liberty.  Bless all for whom this day is day of deep grieving. 

Shelter all who are in harms way.  Uphold all who have stepped forward and given oath to defend freedom. Grant us resolve and endurance. 

Most of all we pray for the transformation of hearts and minds from hatred and fear to love and understanding.  we pray for peace. 

Send us forth to serve. Watch over our forces in battle, watch over our families in our absence, and bless America and her allies that we remain faithful and true to all that is good and just.

In the name of the One True God we pray… Amen

Sept 11 Ten Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony
RAF Alconbury, United Kingdom
501st Combat Support Wing
September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011


O Almighty and gracious God, today as we close our remembrance of this dreadful day on which many things changed, our thoughts and our prayers go out to each and every family member or friend who has lost a loved one in this long war on terror. We recall those who stepped forward and became heroes as they ascended stricken towers to assist the wounded and fearful, many of whom never came home. We remember those struck down where they worked in the pentagon. We recall those heroes who sacrificed their lives in a field in Pennsylvania as they took back their plane. Lord we pray for the families of all those who grieve.

And our thoughts turn not just to that day but to these past ten years. We give thanks for our nations’ heroes who have raised their hand to defend our constitution and our nation. We give thanks for our allies who with us have made great sacrifices in this noble struggle for liberty. And we remember the fallen and their wives and husbands, their children, their mother’s and fathers. We remember the folded flags presented into the hands of loved ones who would rather have back their warrior but never will. Be with these families as they grieve. We remember those who are right now in harm’s way still fighting for liberty against our enemies. We pray for their safety. We pray for success and victory in their mission. And most of all we pray for peace and for the transformation of human hearts and minds from hatred to love and mutual appreciation. But until that day fill us with resolve and endurance to remain steadfast and faithful in this noble struggle until that day of peace comes.

Send us forth to serve. Watch over our forces in battle, watch over our families in our absence, bless those who mourn and bless our great lands.
In the name of the One True God we pray… Amen

Sept 11 Remembrance Ceremony, RAF Molesworth
9 SEP 2011