I am here in Montgomery Alabama once again for PME (professional military education) having been selected to attend SOS (squadron officer school) in residence.
On my drive down here, I detoured across the Tennessee river into Dayton Tennessee. It was from this area some four years ago that I made my journey from civilian parish ministry into the military.
I stopped into my favorite place in Dayton: Jacob Meyer's Deli. It is co-owned by a friend of mine whose name is not Jacob or Meyers. You would have to ask him how he and his brother came up with the name. But I love the place. It is a soup/sandwich shop with coffee bar and the best pumpkin logs I have ever had. And the soup is great too!
It was truly a blessing to see my friend that I had no seen for several years and to find him prospering though grieving for his father who recently passed away.
Anyway, as I drove out of town back to my original route, I was listening to a book on CD "Out of Egypt" about the young Christ child coming of age and understanding. Driving to Montgomery gives one a great deal of time to think.
When you look back on life, you might never have guessed that you are where you are. And we might grow suspicious that we have no real way of knowing where we are going to wind up and what we are ultimately going to experience as life has its ways of bring new unexpected things. But we do know that ultimately we shall die. But for the Christian death is a door, a passage, into new and resurrected life beyond sickness, death, and even evil. Walking the path of life is much like walking a path through the woods like the Appalachian trail. You don't know what you may experience or what is around the bend - but you trust the destination and that the path will get you there. Or like driving to a new town following a road never traveled before, but trusting it will take you to the destination as advertised.
Trust the path. And enjoy it.