Sunday, December 13, 2009


Being as busy as I tend to be these days, the opportunity to catch up more than just a quick survey of the news doesn't come too often. I was aware that some Americans were detained in Pakistan for ties with terrorism, but I was surprised to read this morning that all five are from right in my neighborhood in Alexandria. This is where my family and where my kids go to school for goodness sake! We are only minutes from the Pentagon, the entire Capitol complex, and places like Arlington Cemetery where visitors come and go with little security screening. It would be easy for terrorists to blend into the population there in Alexandria as it is a very diverse population and just about anyone can blend in. I don't envy the job of our law enforcement folks there, but I am thankful for them and for the work that so many do to keep our people safe from those who think God wants them to kill Americans.

Here is the story I was reading: