I am learning the significance of gravity. Gravity is very important in Kirkuk. For instance, when a person has a wound you can elevate that portion of the body to help slow bleeding using gravity as an asset. Gravity becomes very noticeable when one puts on body armor and climbs up and down security towers all day doing visitation. Gravity is important when the enemy tries to lob something over the wire as what goes up must come down. In fact, the other night, I was wondering if people out in town realize that important fact when there was quite a round of celebratory gunfire following a wedding. Gravity makes the rain fall, even in the desert. And unfortunately gravity makes water run downhill, an important fact for our chapel as we sit on the lowest spot in our neighborhood.
Speaking of rain -- rainfall is up and it comes down in sheets. Rain is an all or nothing kind of thing here. It is either not or it is pouring. No little smiddly stuff here. The amazing thing is all the green that is popping up. There is actually grass growing here. Out on the towers, I saw something I had to take a picture of it was so unbelievable. In the middle of the desert I saw a bird one just would not expect to see. In a small pool of water surrounded by reeds, was a ... duck.
I rather enjoyed seeing the duck. Other critters I could do without, like the one that bit me this morning. I awoke to find a stinging sore on my leg. I didn't find the critter, so it is hard to tell if I got dinged by a spider or dinged twice by a scorpion (but I have two holes). Actually now I've got a nice blister going on.
I want to say a public thank you to friends and congregations that have responded to my call some weeks ago asking for support for Operation School Supplies and Operation Aircare. The stuff is coming in. We can use all the school supplies we can get. The local students and teachers are greatly appreciative of this source of supply.
I stood out on post the other afternoon watching the city life. There is a lot of building going on amidst the rubble and there were kids everywhere. Bright little faces. The highways are full of commercial and construction traffic. This city has a pulse. I am encourage by what I see out there. So when I know we can make a difference, that is a powerful motivation to help these kids have a future.
So if you are interested in supporting Operation Outreach below is an address you can mail items to and a list of the items we look for.
Blessings to all.
506 AEG Staff / HC
Unit # 70130
APO AE 09359-0130
Color Markers/Map Pencils
Pencils & Pens
12� Rulers with Metric
Round-End Scissors
Pencil Sharpeners
Glue (6-oz Bottle)
Glue Sticks
8-1/2� x 11� Notebooks (better than loose paper)
Construction Paper
Coloring Books
Soccer Balls (Deflated)*
Air Pumps (For Soccer Balls)
Jump Ropes